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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Simple guide to Java Message Service (JMS) using ActiveMQ

Access the link below to have a good idea about ActiveMQ.

ActiveMQ for JMS

Monday, November 28, 2011

Good Tutorial on Spring's HTTP Remoting with non-browser clients.

Hi,here is the link which explains Spring's HTTP Remoting with non-browser clients.
Click here to access the tutorial.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How to add SVN plugin for SpringSource Tool Suite ?

Here is how to add the SVN plugin ig you need it

1. Open the STS dashboard.

2. Go to Extensions. This is under help and documentation.

3. Look for Subclipse. Check the checkbox and click Install.

If you do not see Subclipse it implies that it is already installed on your IDE.