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Monday, March 7, 2011

MySQL Workbench IDE Download and Installation Process

Downloading Process :
Step 1 : Copy and paste this link in the Browser
Then we can observe at the bottom of the web page with Download buttons. Click the download button
related to windows operating system as shown in the fig below.
Step 2 : After clicking download button the following screen will appear.

Click at the “>>No thanks,just take me to the downloads!”the screen related to this is shown below.
Step 3 : Then the following screen will appear for choosing mirror site for faster downloading.

We can select one country in this list, for example I select HTTP of The UK Mirror service. see below fig.

Step 4 : Then select Save File radio button and then click OK button.
Step 5 : After downloading that zip file, save it in your local system folders.
Step 6 : Right click on that zip file and select extract Here

Step 7 : Finally we obtained mysql-workbench-gpl-5.2.31a-win32 installer software.
Installation Process :

Step 8 : Double click on that installer software. then we get the screen as below,
Step 9 : Click on Run Button (see in the above screen)
Step 10 : click Next button.
Step 11 : click Next button.
Step 12 : Click on Install button. And then Finally click finish button.

It now finishes the installation.

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